The English version of “Luces y sombras de la corrupción en España” is now available under the heading Corruption as a symptom. It is a short essay issued some months ago, on the launch of a noteworthy collective work, La corrupción en España, coordinated by Víctor Lapuente.
This Association is not oblivious to the contemporary restlessness, upheaval and discontent, triggered altogether by this weighty problem. Nearly every other Spaniard thinks that, only second to unemployment, corruption is by far the most worrying problem, way above the rest of our current concerns.
Why are we unable to cope with corruption? In a forthcoming post, we shall try to answer this by offering a Decalogue: The 10 main reasons that, in our view, explain why corruption is sternly undermining both public and private institutions. One of these 10 answers is the authorities’ persistent denial to acknowledge and embrace corruption, not only as a problem, but also and primarily as a symptom.
Please click on the following link to download Luces y Sombras.
Please click on the following link to download Corruption as a symptom.
Best Regards,
Paz de Torres
VP, Association for a Democratic Quality and Culture.